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song in CFCFAC

2,985 views - 19 Jan 2011

there are a few mistakes but this is something i threw together this morning. Im pretty proud of it. The song is in CFCFAC (Open G tuned down a step) played on ...


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there are a few mistakes but this is something i threw together this morning. Im pretty proud of it. The song is in CFCFAC (Open G tuned down a step) played on ...
216 views 11 Sep 2021
The Entertainer by Scott Joplin Bottleneck Slide Open Tuning
The Entertainer by Scott Joplin Bottleneck Slide Open Tuning
there are a few mistakes but this is something i threw together this morning. Im pretty proud of it. The song is in CFCFAC (Open G tuned down a step) played on ...
2794 views 5 Sep 2019
how to play farewell to the gold by paul metsers arr. nic jones
How to play farewell to the gold by paul metsers arr. nic jones
there are a few mistakes but this is something i threw together this morning. Im pretty proud of it. The song is in CFCFAC (Open G tuned down a step) played on ...
320 views 28 Jul 2019
cover of Green Tambourine on acoustic guitar
Cover of Green Tambourine on acoustic guitar
there are a few mistakes but this is something i threw together this morning. Im pretty proud of it. The song is in CFCFAC (Open G tuned down a step) played on ...
3687 views 4 Sep 2019
Disappear (an original song I made in the tuning of cfcfce
Disappear (an original song I made in the tuning of cfcfce
there are a few mistakes but this is something i threw together this morning. Im pretty proud of it. The song is in CFCFAC (Open G tuned down a step) played on ...
212 views 23 Aug 2023
Key D Piano Tutorial Series Part 7  Song Example You Are Alpha And Omega
Key D Piano Tutorial Series Part 7 Song Example You Are Alpha And Omega
there are a few mistakes but this is something i threw together this morning. Im pretty proud of it. The song is in CFCFAC (Open G tuned down a step) played on ...
465 views 1 Aug 2020
Spare Me - Original Song
Spare Me - Original Song
there are a few mistakes but this is something i threw together this morning. Im pretty proud of it. The song is in CFCFAC (Open G tuned down a step) played on ...
1222 views 2 Sep 2019
don-t let it bring you down guitar lesson/ standard tuning /key of a
Don-t let it bring you down guitar lesson/ standard tuning /key of a
there are a few mistakes but this is something i threw together this morning. Im pretty proud of it. The song is in CFCFAC (Open G tuned down a step) played on ...
157 views 2 Feb 2020
brcm final video
Brcm final video
there are a few mistakes but this is something i threw together this morning. Im pretty proud of it. The song is in CFCFAC (Open G tuned down a step) played on ...
417 views 21 Jul 2019
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           q o   D   o p
           q o   B   o p
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