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Open C Tuning Metal Riff

7,464 views - 19 Jan 2011

Crunhcy metal heavy Riff idea in open C tuning (C G C G C E) on my trusty strat. I am really getting into this tuning and you can expect to hear a lot of it on ...


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Infinity 2008 metal cover Original by Bliix
Infinity 2008 metal cover Original by Bliix
Crunhcy metal heavy Riff idea in open C tuning (C G C G C E) on my trusty strat. I am really getting into this tuning and you can expect to hear a lot of it on ...
2529 views 31 Aug 2019
Britney Spears-Toxic metal cover Original by Bliix
Britney Spears-Toxic metal cover Original by Bliix
Crunhcy metal heavy Riff idea in open C tuning (C G C G C E) on my trusty strat. I am really getting into this tuning and you can expect to hear a lot of it on ...
3624 views 31 Aug 2019
Lady Gaga-Bad Romance metal cover Original by Bliix
Lady Gaga-Bad Romance metal cover Original by Bliix
Crunhcy metal heavy Riff idea in open C tuning (C G C G C E) on my trusty strat. I am really getting into this tuning and you can expect to hear a lot of it on ...
2051 views 1 Sep 2019
Tatu-All The Things She Said metal cover - Original by Bliix
Tatu-All The Things She Said metal cover - Original by Bliix
Crunhcy metal heavy Riff idea in open C tuning (C G C G C E) on my trusty strat. I am really getting into this tuning and you can expect to hear a lot of it on ...
2569 views 2 Sep 2019
methods for metal in open c on gutar
Methods for metal in open c on gutar
Crunhcy metal heavy Riff idea in open C tuning (C G C G C E) on my trusty strat. I am really getting into this tuning and you can expect to hear a lot of it on ...
1006 views 4 Sep 2019
utilizing open tuning for metal
Utilizing open tuning for metal
Crunhcy metal heavy Riff idea in open C tuning (C G C G C E) on my trusty strat. I am really getting into this tuning and you can expect to hear a lot of it on ...
76 views 7 Dec 2018
How I use Open A Tuning
How I use Open A Tuning
Crunhcy metal heavy Riff idea in open C tuning (C G C G C E) on my trusty strat. I am really getting into this tuning and you can expect to hear a lot of it on ...
689 views 27 Nov 2021
open g6 guitar tuning for rock, blues, and metal (tutorial) | gene willow
Open g6 guitar tuning for rock, blues, and metal (tutorial) | gene willow
Crunhcy metal heavy Riff idea in open C tuning (C G C G C E) on my trusty strat. I am really getting into this tuning and you can expect to hear a lot of it on ...
619 views 20 Feb 2020
Mental workout - Open Gm tuning with 2nd fret capo
Mental workout - Open Gm tuning with 2nd fret capo
Crunhcy metal heavy Riff idea in open C tuning (C G C G C E) on my trusty strat. I am really getting into this tuning and you can expect to hear a lot of it on ...
634 views 5 Sep 2019
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