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How to play guitar and write music in an open tuning! (DADGAD)

2,547 views - 19 Jan 2011

Tutorial Tuesday #22 Please return the favor by subscribing and checking out my album on itunes. Thanks! DOWNLOAD ME ON ITUNES!


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How to write and play guitar riffs like matt pike of sleep and high on fire
Tutorial Tuesday #22 Please return the favor by subscribing and checking out my album on itunes. Thanks! DOWNLOAD ME ON ITUNES!
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DADGAD Guitar Tuning - Guitar Lesson
Tutorial Tuesday #22 Please return the favor by subscribing and checking out my album on itunes. Thanks! DOWNLOAD ME ON ITUNES!
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Drop D Tuning - Guitar Lesson
Tutorial Tuesday #22 Please return the favor by subscribing and checking out my album on itunes. Thanks! DOWNLOAD ME ON ITUNES!
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05 How To Tune A Guitar Using A Digital Tuner
Tutorial Tuesday #22 Please return the favor by subscribing and checking out my album on itunes. Thanks! DOWNLOAD ME ON ITUNES!
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Open G Guitar Tuning - Guitar Lesson
Tutorial Tuesday #22 Please return the favor by subscribing and checking out my album on itunes. Thanks! DOWNLOAD ME ON ITUNES!
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How To Play Every Major And Minor Scale All Over The Fretboard - Part 1 - Guitar Lesson - WITH TABS
Tutorial Tuesday #22 Please return the favor by subscribing and checking out my album on itunes. Thanks! DOWNLOAD ME ON ITUNES!
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Tutorial Tuesday #22 Please return the favor by subscribing and checking out my album on itunes. Thanks! DOWNLOAD ME ON ITUNES!
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chon guitar techniques: string skipping - how to write chon style riffs
Chon guitar techniques: string skipping - how to write chon style riffs
Tutorial Tuesday #22 Please return the favor by subscribing and checking out my album on itunes. Thanks! DOWNLOAD ME ON ITUNES!
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Dorian Mode - Guitar Lesson
Tutorial Tuesday #22 Please return the favor by subscribing and checking out my album on itunes. Thanks! DOWNLOAD ME ON ITUNES!
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