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soviet lap steel guitar dato karchava :)

346 views - 19 Jan 2011

this guitar is a rare vintage thing from ussr. it's one of the first electric guitars from ussr. this guitar was in production from 60s to 80s and it was limited run. however, it was hard...


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Soviet Tonika Bass Modded to BEAD
Soviet Tonika Bass Modded to BEAD
this guitar is a rare vintage thing from ussr. it's one of the first electric guitars from ussr. this guitar was in production from 60s to 80s and it was limited run. however, it was hard...
60 views 21 Aug 2022
Man of Two Worlds
Man of Two Worlds
this guitar is a rare vintage thing from ussr. it's one of the first electric guitars from ussr. this guitar was in production from 60s to 80s and it was limited run. however, it was hard...
6 views 31 Jul 2021
putin surprises with impromptu piano performance in beijing
Putin surprises with impromptu piano performance in beijing
this guitar is a rare vintage thing from ussr. it's one of the first electric guitars from ussr. this guitar was in production from 60s to 80s and it was limited run. however, it was hard...
134 views 17 Aug 2018
Biglietto per l39Inferno   Biglietto per l39Inferno 1974 Full Album HQ
Biglietto per l39Inferno Biglietto per l39Inferno 1974 Full Album HQ
this guitar is a rare vintage thing from ussr. it's one of the first electric guitars from ussr. this guitar was in production from 60s to 80s and it was limited run. however, it was hard...
4 views 1 Apr 2020
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