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香港結他手Alfred Wong 在八十年代初期開始彈民謠結他,一年後跟隨Beyond 的黃家駒學習搖滾結他,深受家駒的影響至今。在1989 年全港嘉士伯樂隊公開大賽中榮獲最佳結他手。之後一直學習MI 及Berklee 的爵士樂和編曲等,近年在大阪,京都.富士山,北京,廣州,深圳及香港出席多個演出。
Hong Kong guitarist Alfred Wong started playing folk guitars in the early 1980s. A year later, he followed Beyond’s Wong Ka Kui to learn rock guitars. He has been deeply influenced by Ka Kui to this day. Won the best guitarist in the Hong Kong Carlsberg Open Competition in 1989. After that, he has been studying jazz and the arrangement of MI and Berklee. In recent years, he has performed in Osaka, Kyoto, Mount Fuji, Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen as well as Hong Kong.
YouTube Stats
Joined 18 Aug 2006
58 Videos
 Wong Sir  Play D dorian Mode to Dmin7 Chord
Wong Sir Play D dorian Mode to Dmin7 Chord
31 views - 27 Nov 2021
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           q o   B   o p
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