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** Just the tips. Just for you. Guitar Tips! **

My name is Adam Levy. I'm a guitar player and music educator based in New York City. I share guitar-related videos here on a semi-regular basis. I've cover techniques, tunings, theory, and more.

Thank you for Liking, Sharing, Subscribing.

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* Adam Levy TrueFire Courses → https://bit.ly/3r1TgWL

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* YurtRock Baritone Guitar Loops → https://bit.ly/30olvDA
YouTube Stats
Joined 05 Sep 2014
334 Videos
Guitar Tip #95: Let's demystify half-diminished chords. | By Adam Levy
Guitar Tip #95: Let's demystify half-diminished chords. | By Adam Levy
1 views - 22 May 2021
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