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My musical mission is to literally "carry on where the ancients left off" in continuing to create new music, for the recreated ancient lyres & kithara of antiquity, using the distinctive expressive qualities of the ancient musical modes, heard in the pure focus of authentic, ancient just intonation.

This channel is my essential vehicle for this 'musical adventure in time travel' - it is entirely thanks to the video comments & suggestions of you, my much valued subscribers, that my new music has been continually forged, refined and ultimately released on my many albums, available from all the usual digital music platforms, painstakingly indepenently produced since 2008.

YouTube Stats
Joined 31 Aug 2006
942 Videos
How To Play the Ancient Greek Kithara of Classical Antiquity! (4 of 7)
How To Play the Ancient Greek Kithara of Classical Antiquity! (4 of 7)
27 views - 10 Feb 2021
The Ancient Greek Kithara (κιθάρα)
The Ancient Greek Kithara (κιθάρα)
3 views - 20 Feb 2021
Learn To Play The Ancient Greek Kithara of Classical Antiquity! (3 of 7)
Learn To Play The Ancient Greek Kithara of Classical Antiquity! (3 of 7)
9 views - 21 Mar 2021
Learn To Play The Ancient Greek Lyre! (Lesson 7 - 'Skolion of Seikilos')
Learn To Play The Ancient Greek Lyre! (Lesson 7 - 'Skolion of Seikilos')
18 views - 7 Apr 2021
The Ancient Greek Modes...
The Ancient Greek Modes...
0 views - 7 May 2021
"Hymn To Zeus" (Composition in the Ancient Greek Dorian Mode)
"Hymn To Zeus" (Composition in the Ancient Greek Dorian Mode)
9 views - 8 May 2021
Anthousai (Nymphs of the Flowers) - Improvisation for Ancient Greek Chelys Lyre
Anthousai (Nymphs of the Flowers) - Improvisation for Ancient Greek Chelys Lyre
14 views - 7 Aug 2021
Ancient Greek Music -  "Lament of Simonides"
Ancient Greek Music - "Lament of Simonides"
23 views - 22 Aug 2021
The 'Guitar' of Ancient Greece!
The 'Guitar' of Ancient Greece!
3 views - 30 Nov 2021
Improvisation for Lyre in the Ancient Greek Dorian Mode
Improvisation for Lyre in the Ancient Greek Dorian Mode
0 views - 22 Jan 2022
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