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Berklee College of Music was the first institution of higher education to grant a degree with guitar as the principal instrument. To this day, Berklee's Guitar Department remains the largest and most stylistically diverse guitar program in the world.

Many of the world's most ground-breaking guitarists studied at Berklee, including Mike Stern, Leni Stern, Kevin Eubanks, Bill Frisell, Gillian Welch, Emily Remler, John Scofield, Steve Vai, St. Vincent, and Adrianne Lenker and Buck Meek of Big Thief. Our alumni community includes current and former faculty such as: Mick Goodrick, Pat Metheny, Sheryl Bailey, Wayne Krantz, Tomo Fujita, David Tronzo, and Tim Miller. Meet some of our alumni.

They joined our Berklee community because of who we are: the world's largest independent music school and the premier institution for the study of contemporary music.
YouTube Stats
Joined 26 Jan 2017
176 Videos
D Aeolian Flat 5 (Melodic Minor) [Funk/R&B/Soul] - Guitar Backing Track by Thaddeus Hogarth
D Aeolian Flat 5 (Melodic Minor) [Funk/R&B/Soul] - Guitar Backing Track by Thaddeus Hogarth
106 views - 22 Jun 2021
F Dorian Flat 2 (Melodic Minor) [Funk/R&B/Soul] - Guitar Backing Track by Thaddeus Hogarth
F Dorian Flat 2 (Melodic Minor) [Funk/R&B/Soul] - Guitar Backing Track by Thaddeus Hogarth
0 views - 1 Dec 2022
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           q o   D   o p
           q o   B   o p
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