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Musician; teacher and learner; performing musician, composer and instructor. Plays the oud, guitar and Cretan lyra.

Rei Korkus is influenced by various musical genres: from Turkish, Arabic, Indian, Persian and Greek musics, through Jazz and Flamenco. He performs with several ensembles and projects dedicated to Middle Eastern Music, playing original compositions alongside traditional pieces from the classical repertoire.

As he follows the path, Rei studies and explores music, aiming to learn fore and foremost about himself. Rei adores teaching and guides numerous students in unravelling the secrets of music-making and discovering the extraordinary world of Middle Eastern music.

Rei grew up in Kibbutz Neot Semadar in the desert area of southern Israel, and strives to continue bringing the quietude of the desert landscapes into his day to day life.
YouTube Stats
Joined 25 Nov 2012
22 Videos
Hicaz Ud Taksim - Maqam Hijaz Oud
Hicaz Ud Taksim - Maqam Hijaz Oud
0 views - 7 Jul 2021
Look Inside - Late Night Oud Melodey // Rei Korkus
Look Inside - Late Night Oud Melodey // Rei Korkus
2 views - 7 Dec 2021
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