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Guitar string sounds out of tune with itself: SOLVED!

1,055 views - 19 Jan 2011

Ever play a note on one string and it sounds like two out of tune notes played together? This video teaches you how to resolve it.

why your guitar sounds out of tune
Why your guitar sounds out of tune
Ever play a note on one string and it sounds like two out of tune notes played together? This video teaches you how to resolve it.
38 views 1 Nov 2019
Idea about getting  some Sitar Sounds out of your guitar
Idea about getting some Sitar Sounds out of your guitar
Ever play a note on one string and it sounds like two out of tune notes played together? This video teaches you how to resolve it.
320 views 2 Sep 2019
b standard guitar tuning is heavy af
B standard guitar tuning is heavy af
Ever play a note on one string and it sounds like two out of tune notes played together? This video teaches you how to resolve it.
219 views 9 Jan 2020
High E string standard guitar tuning 1st string
High E string standard guitar tuning 1st string
Ever play a note on one string and it sounds like two out of tune notes played together? This video teaches you how to resolve it.
88 views 6 Jan 2021
A string standard guitar tuning (5th string)
A string standard guitar tuning (5th string)
Ever play a note on one string and it sounds like two out of tune notes played together? This video teaches you how to resolve it.
1237 views 2 Sep 2019
G string in standard guitar tuning (3rd string)
G string in standard guitar tuning (3rd string)
Ever play a note on one string and it sounds like two out of tune notes played together? This video teaches you how to resolve it.
5 views 20 Jun 2023
d string standard tuning (4th string)
D string standard tuning (4th string)
Ever play a note on one string and it sounds like two out of tune notes played together? This video teaches you how to resolve it.
367 views 25 May 2019
Low E string standard guitar tuning (6th string)
Low E string standard guitar tuning (6th string)
Ever play a note on one string and it sounds like two out of tune notes played together? This video teaches you how to resolve it.
9 views 28 Nov 2023
capo protip! | drop -d- capo 2 - standard tuning guitar lesson
Capo protip! | drop -d- capo 2 - standard tuning guitar lesson
Ever play a note on one string and it sounds like two out of tune notes played together? This video teaches you how to resolve it.
188 views 20 May 2019
           q o       o p
           q o   G   o p
           d o   T   o b
           q o   D   o p
           q o   B   o p
           d o       o b
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