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Experiment in Open-A Tuning

662 views - 19 Jan 2011

Pretty self explanatory. This is me improvising a song in the open A tuning on my guitar. Which means from top to bottom it's E A E C# A E. The only part of this ...

fearless in open g by brian hutton
Fearless in open g by brian hutton
Pretty self explanatory. This is me improvising a song in the open A tuning on my guitar. Which means from top to bottom it's E A E C# A E. The only part of this ...
317 views 30 May 2018
10 Golden Oldies in Open D
10 Golden Oldies in Open D
Pretty self explanatory. This is me improvising a song in the open A tuning on my guitar. Which means from top to bottom it's E A E C# A E. The only part of this ...
1914 views 4 Sep 2019
experimenting with open guitar tunings
Experimenting with open guitar tunings
Pretty self explanatory. This is me improvising a song in the open A tuning on my guitar. Which means from top to bottom it's E A E C# A E. The only part of this ...
286 views 13 Mar 2019
experimenting in open g tuning. just tune to a g major chord. dgdgbd. .
Experimenting in open g tuning. just tune to a g major chord. dgdgbd. .
Pretty self explanatory. This is me improvising a song in the open A tuning on my guitar. Which means from top to bottom it's E A E C# A E. The only part of this ...
1555 views 3 Feb 2020
Tremble - Open A dim7 Tuning D#F#CF#AD# - D# Hungarian Major Scale
Tremble - Open A dim7 Tuning D#F#CF#AD# - D# Hungarian Major Scale
Pretty self explanatory. This is me improvising a song in the open A tuning on my guitar. Which means from top to bottom it's E A E C# A E. The only part of this ...
673 views 4 Sep 2019
Reflections - Open A m7b5 Tuning - Key of G Natural Minor
Reflections - Open A m7b5 Tuning - Key of G Natural Minor
Pretty self explanatory. This is me improvising a song in the open A tuning on my guitar. Which means from top to bottom it's E A E C# A E. The only part of this ...
736 views 4 Sep 2019
Rescue - Open A M9 Tuning C#ABG#AE in the Key of A Major
Rescue - Open A M9 Tuning C#ABG#AE in the Key of A Major
Pretty self explanatory. This is me improvising a song in the open A tuning on my guitar. Which means from top to bottom it's E A E C# A E. The only part of this ...
703 views 1 Sep 2019
splash - open a m7 tuning - eac#g#ac#
Splash - open a m7 tuning - eac#g#ac#
Pretty self explanatory. This is me improvising a song in the open A tuning on my guitar. Which means from top to bottom it's E A E C# A E. The only part of this ...
891 views 26 Jan 2018
Plastical - Open A M7 tuning - Key of C# Hungarian Minor
Plastical - Open A M7 tuning - Key of C# Hungarian Minor
Pretty self explanatory. This is me improvising a song in the open A tuning on my guitar. Which means from top to bottom it's E A E C# A E. The only part of this ...
637 views 4 Sep 2019
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           d o   T   o b
           q o   D   o p
           q o   B   o p
           d o       o b
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