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emotional chords in open c tuning

225 views - 19 Jan 2011

here's a new noodling video with emotional chords in open c tuning. first, we'll explain how the open c tuning works, how to tune in open c (and in any other ...

Emotional Sad Guitar Ballad Backing Track G minor
Emotional Sad Guitar Ballad Backing Track G minor
here's a new noodling video with emotional chords in open c tuning. first, we'll explain how the open c tuning works, how to tune in open c (and in any other ...
455 views 12 Jun 2021
emotional rock ballad guitar backing track in e minor
Emotional rock ballad guitar backing track in e minor
here's a new noodling video with emotional chords in open c tuning. first, we'll explain how the open c tuning works, how to tune in open c (and in any other ...
18 views 3 Nov 2018
Learn Guitar in 4 days (Tuning - Fingers exercise - Melody - Chords - Strumming
Learn Guitar in 4 days (Tuning - Fingers exercise - Melody - Chords - Strumming
here's a new noodling video with emotional chords in open c tuning. first, we'll explain how the open c tuning works, how to tune in open c (and in any other ...
2 views 2 Mar 2021
Modern Jazz Guitar   The 13b9 Chord w Triads Ear Training Standards Theory Voicings amp Improv
Modern Jazz Guitar The 13b9 Chord w Triads Ear Training Standards Theory Voicings amp Improv
here's a new noodling video with emotional chords in open c tuning. first, we'll explain how the open c tuning works, how to tune in open c (and in any other ...
0 views 7 Sep 2021
1102 - bluer than blue - michael johnson cover with chords and lyrics
1102 - bluer than blue - michael johnson cover with chords and lyrics
here's a new noodling video with emotional chords in open c tuning. first, we'll explain how the open c tuning works, how to tune in open c (and in any other ...
187 views 21 Dec 2019
Emotional Chords Creating a Satisfying Sadness Vibe
Emotional Chords Creating a Satisfying Sadness Vibe
here's a new noodling video with emotional chords in open c tuning. first, we'll explain how the open c tuning works, how to tune in open c (and in any other ...
39 views 6 Aug 2021
BEAUTIFUL 39EMOTIONAL39 CHORDS everyone should know
BEAUTIFUL 39EMOTIONAL39 CHORDS everyone should know
here's a new noodling video with emotional chords in open c tuning. first, we'll explain how the open c tuning works, how to tune in open c (and in any other ...
1 views 20 Mar 2022
john-s guitar lesson - -even if it breaks your heart- - getting emotional about f
John-s guitar lesson - -even if it breaks your heart- - getting emotional about f
here's a new noodling video with emotional chords in open c tuning. first, we'll explain how the open c tuning works, how to tune in open c (and in any other ...
103 views 1 Sep 2019
Roman Candle outro chords
Roman Candle outro chords
here's a new noodling video with emotional chords in open c tuning. first, we'll explain how the open c tuning works, how to tune in open c (and in any other ...
1096 views 27 Feb 2021
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           d o   T   o b
           q o   D   o p
           q o   B   o p
           d o       o b
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