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Working on new song : Dm C E Am G F ; C F ; Am7 Em F

908 views - 19 Jan 2011

Trying to get this new song idea down enough to then make a recording. Here are the first 3 parts, and I'm trying to figure out a fourth part.... The song is sort of in ...

judd louis ~ guitar in open c
Judd louis ~ guitar in open c
Trying to get this new song idea down enough to then make a recording. Here are the first 3 parts, and I'm trying to figure out a fourth part.... The song is sort of in ...
766 views 16 Jul 2019
iridium part 2 - emo / math rock guitar
Iridium part 2 - emo / math rock guitar
Trying to get this new song idea down enough to then make a recording. Here are the first 3 parts, and I'm trying to figure out a fourth part.... The song is sort of in ...
946 views 4 Jan 2020
math rock / midwest emo facgce song idea
Math rock / midwest emo facgce song idea
Trying to get this new song idea down enough to then make a recording. Here are the first 3 parts, and I'm trying to figure out a fourth part.... The song is sort of in ...
1006 views 26 Aug 2018
original riffs - daeac#e - new song idea #7 (emo summer song)
Original riffs - daeac#e - new song idea #7 (emo summer song)
Trying to get this new song idea down enough to then make a recording. Here are the first 3 parts, and I'm trying to figure out a fourth part.... The song is sort of in ...
2859 views 26 Nov 2017
New jam in EBEADFB
New jam in EBEADFB
Trying to get this new song idea down enough to then make a recording. Here are the first 3 parts, and I'm trying to figure out a fourth part.... The song is sort of in ...
92 views 12 Jan 2021
Distraktionz By Josh Ovalteen
Distraktionz By Josh Ovalteen
Trying to get this new song idea down enough to then make a recording. Here are the first 3 parts, and I'm trying to figure out a fourth part.... The song is sort of in ...
545 views 12 Jan 2021
Altered Guitar Tuning
Altered Guitar Tuning
Trying to get this new song idea down enough to then make a recording. Here are the first 3 parts, and I'm trying to figure out a fourth part.... The song is sort of in ...
209 views 4 Sep 2019
Working on a new riff
Working on a new riff
Trying to get this new song idea down enough to then make a recording. Here are the first 3 parts, and I'm trying to figure out a fourth part.... The song is sort of in ...
379 views 4 Sep 2019
original riffing on a mesa boogie rev g triple rectifier. esp hanneman, v30.
Original riffing on a mesa boogie rev g triple rectifier. esp hanneman, v30.
Trying to get this new song idea down enough to then make a recording. Here are the first 3 parts, and I'm trying to figure out a fourth part.... The song is sort of in ...
36 views 3 Jun 2019
           q o       o p
           q o   G   o p
           d o   T   o b
           q o   D   o p
           q o   B   o p
           d o       o b
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