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Drop B Tuning. if you dont have a tuner.

987 views - 19 Jan 2011

Tune your guitar to Drop B. I would suggest to use thick gauge strings, as thin ones would feel like rubber bands. Also don't forget to like my band on Facebook!

drop a tuning. if you dont have a tuner.
Drop a tuning. if you dont have a tuner.
Tune your guitar to Drop B. I would suggest to use thick gauge strings, as thin ones would feel like rubber bands. Also don't forget to like my band on Facebook!
904 views 15 Feb 2019
Guitar Tuning - Double Drop D
Guitar Tuning - Double Drop D
Tune your guitar to Drop B. I would suggest to use thick gauge strings, as thin ones would feel like rubber bands. Also don't forget to like my band on Facebook!
3256 views 4 Sep 2019
Guitar Tuning - Drop D
Guitar Tuning - Drop D
Tune your guitar to Drop B. I would suggest to use thick gauge strings, as thin ones would feel like rubber bands. Also don't forget to like my band on Facebook!
3706 views 2 Sep 2019
Drop D Tuning For Bass
Drop D Tuning For Bass
Tune your guitar to Drop B. I would suggest to use thick gauge strings, as thin ones would feel like rubber bands. Also don't forget to like my band on Facebook!
792 views 1 Sep 2019
best drop d guitar tuning (drop d = d a d g b e)
Best drop d guitar tuning (drop d = d a d g b e)
Tune your guitar to Drop B. I would suggest to use thick gauge strings, as thin ones would feel like rubber bands. Also don't forget to like my band on Facebook!
722 views 8 Mar 2019
nile - ithyphallic
Nile - ithyphallic
Tune your guitar to Drop B. I would suggest to use thick gauge strings, as thin ones would feel like rubber bands. Also don't forget to like my band on Facebook!
119 views 15 Dec 2017
breaking benjamin diary of jane guitar cover
Breaking benjamin diary of jane guitar cover
Tune your guitar to Drop B. I would suggest to use thick gauge strings, as thin ones would feel like rubber bands. Also don't forget to like my band on Facebook!
1326 views 28 Feb 2018
Trivium   In Waves  Full Tabs   Guitar Lesson Guitar Pro
Trivium In Waves Full Tabs Guitar Lesson Guitar Pro
Tune your guitar to Drop B. I would suggest to use thick gauge strings, as thin ones would feel like rubber bands. Also don't forget to like my band on Facebook!
312 views 9 Apr 2020
drop b tuning
Drop b tuning
Tune your guitar to Drop B. I would suggest to use thick gauge strings, as thin ones would feel like rubber bands. Also don't forget to like my band on Facebook!
97 views 25 Aug 2018
           q o       o p
           q o   G   o p
           d o   T   o b
           q o   D   o p
           q o   B   o p
           d o       o b
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 & warm `-._____________.-'