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the evolution of cumbia music in monterrey

460 views - 19 Jan 2011

since the 60's, monterrey has listened and danced to cumbia, a style of music originally imported from colombia. although it once played through the sound systems of mexico city, nowhere else...

example - 'changed the way you kiss me' (official video)
Example - 'changed the way you kiss me' (official video)
since the 60's, monterrey has listened and danced to cumbia, a style of music originally imported from colombia. although it once played through the sound systems of mexico city, nowhere else...
28 views 2 Sep 2018
Joan Didion and the New Journalism | Robert Wright & Daniel Kaufman [The Wright Show]
Joan Didion and the New Journalism | Robert Wright & Daniel Kaufman [The Wright Show]
since the 60's, monterrey has listened and danced to cumbia, a style of music originally imported from colombia. although it once played through the sound systems of mexico city, nowhere else...
320 views 3 Sep 2019
djelem djelem  - barcelona gipsy klezmer orchestra
Djelem djelem - barcelona gipsy klezmer orchestra
since the 60's, monterrey has listened and danced to cumbia, a style of music originally imported from colombia. although it once played through the sound systems of mexico city, nowhere else...
49 views 3 Jul 2018
cigani ljubiat pesnji - barcelona gipsy klezmer orchestra
Cigani ljubiat pesnji - barcelona gipsy klezmer orchestra
since the 60's, monterrey has listened and danced to cumbia, a style of music originally imported from colombia. although it once played through the sound systems of mexico city, nowhere else...
4 views 21 May 2018
lule lule - barcelona gipsy balkan orchestra
Lule lule - barcelona gipsy balkan orchestra
since the 60's, monterrey has listened and danced to cumbia, a style of music originally imported from colombia. although it once played through the sound systems of mexico city, nowhere else...
3 views 3 May 2018
Kenny Wayne Shepherd Introduces the Fender American Professional Stratocaster
Kenny Wayne Shepherd Introduces the Fender American Professional Stratocaster
since the 60's, monterrey has listened and danced to cumbia, a style of music originally imported from colombia. although it once played through the sound systems of mexico city, nowhere else...
1126 views 3 Sep 2019
tanglewood demonstration - tsf ce r
Tanglewood demonstration - tsf ce r
since the 60's, monterrey has listened and danced to cumbia, a style of music originally imported from colombia. although it once played through the sound systems of mexico city, nowhere else...
60 views 7 Aug 2019
A Augmented to Mixolydian C
A Augmented to Mixolydian C
since the 60's, monterrey has listened and danced to cumbia, a style of music originally imported from colombia. although it once played through the sound systems of mexico city, nowhere else...
0 views 11 Feb 2024
The History of Guitar
The History of Guitar
since the 60's, monterrey has listened and danced to cumbia, a style of music originally imported from colombia. although it once played through the sound systems of mexico city, nowhere else...
6 views 10 Feb 2021
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