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breaking benjamin -the diary of jane- guitar cover

408 views - 19 Jan 2011

i'm taking it back to my youtube roots with another breaking benjamin guitar cover. they should've named the song "diarrhea jane" because that's what it ...

Breaking Benjamin - The Diary Of Jane Guitar Cover HD
Breaking Benjamin - The Diary Of Jane Guitar Cover HD
i'm taking it back to my youtube roots with another breaking benjamin guitar cover. they should've named the song "diarrhea jane" because that's what it ...
2782 views 5 Sep 2019
Breaking Benjamin - The Diary Of Jane ( Guitar Cover )
Breaking Benjamin - The Diary Of Jane ( Guitar Cover )
i'm taking it back to my youtube roots with another breaking benjamin guitar cover. they should've named the song "diarrhea jane" because that's what it ...
1305 views 5 Sep 2019
breaking benjamin diary of jane guitar cover
Breaking benjamin diary of jane guitar cover
i'm taking it back to my youtube roots with another breaking benjamin guitar cover. they should've named the song "diarrhea jane" because that's what it ...
1396 views 28 Feb 2018
breaking benjamin - the diary of jane
Breaking benjamin - the diary of jane
i'm taking it back to my youtube roots with another breaking benjamin guitar cover. they should've named the song "diarrhea jane" because that's what it ...
130 views 9 Mar 2018
breaking bemjamin had enough guitar cover - drop b flat tuning 6 string- slash aph 2
Breaking bemjamin had enough guitar cover - drop b flat tuning 6 string- slash aph 2
i'm taking it back to my youtube roots with another breaking benjamin guitar cover. they should've named the song "diarrhea jane" because that's what it ...
295 views 8 Jan 2018
what if breaking benjamin tuned down - 7 string guitar breaking benjamin guitar riff compilation
What if breaking benjamin tuned down - 7 string guitar breaking benjamin guitar riff compilation
i'm taking it back to my youtube roots with another breaking benjamin guitar cover. they should've named the song "diarrhea jane" because that's what it ...
590 views 19 Sep 2019
breaking benjamin - ashes of eden (official video)
Breaking benjamin - ashes of eden (official video)
i'm taking it back to my youtube roots with another breaking benjamin guitar cover. they should've named the song "diarrhea jane" because that's what it ...
275 views 1 Mar 2019
breaking benjamin - failure (official video)
Breaking benjamin - failure (official video)
i'm taking it back to my youtube roots with another breaking benjamin guitar cover. they should've named the song "diarrhea jane" because that's what it ...
3538 views 5 May 2019
breaking benjamin - red cold river (official video)
Breaking benjamin - red cold river (official video)
i'm taking it back to my youtube roots with another breaking benjamin guitar cover. they should've named the song "diarrhea jane" because that's what it ...
300 views 13 Jan 2019
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