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Guitar Chord of the Day: E(add9) (024100)

633 views - 19 Jan 2011

Bringing you a new guitar chord every day of the week. We'll spice it up with a lick or idea to go along with the chord to get you out of "the box" mindset.

Major Guitar Chords: C, D, E, F, G, A, B, Ep128
Major Guitar Chords: C, D, E, F, G, A, B, Ep128
Bringing you a new guitar chord every day of the week. We'll spice it up with a lick or idea to go along with the chord to get you out of "the box" mindset.
6 views 12 Sep 2023
glcc guitar workshop - chord changes - power of the cross in c
Glcc guitar workshop - chord changes - power of the cross in c
Bringing you a new guitar chord every day of the week. We'll spice it up with a lick or idea to go along with the chord to get you out of "the box" mindset.
40 views 27 Aug 2018
Learn Easy Guitar Songs with E A B chords  Major Chords  Fender Play
Learn Easy Guitar Songs with E A B chords Major Chords Fender Play
Bringing you a new guitar chord every day of the week. We'll spice it up with a lick or idea to go along with the chord to get you out of "the box" mindset.
5 views 20 Aug 2022
guitar chord of the day: e9sus4 (2.24.15)
Guitar chord of the day: e9sus4 (2.24.15)
Bringing you a new guitar chord every day of the week. We'll spice it up with a lick or idea to go along with the chord to get you out of "the box" mindset.
83 views 13 Jun 2018
guitar chord of the day: am11 (-two bridges-)
Guitar chord of the day: am11 (-two bridges-)
Bringing you a new guitar chord every day of the week. We'll spice it up with a lick or idea to go along with the chord to get you out of "the box" mindset.
54 views 28 Sep 2019
learn new guitar chords - dmaj7 / d major 7 / d major 7th guitar lesson
Learn new guitar chords - dmaj7 / d major 7 / d major 7th guitar lesson
Bringing you a new guitar chord every day of the week. We'll spice it up with a lick or idea to go along with the chord to get you out of "the box" mindset.
242 views 8 Jun 2019
lick of the day 33 - hitting the chord changes - melodic lick ideas - guitar lesson
Lick of the day 33 - hitting the chord changes - melodic lick ideas - guitar lesson
Bringing you a new guitar chord every day of the week. We'll spice it up with a lick or idea to go along with the chord to get you out of "the box" mindset.
303 views 3 Sep 2019
Learn this and you39ll play ANY KIND OF CHORD
Learn this and you39ll play ANY KIND OF CHORD
Bringing you a new guitar chord every day of the week. We'll spice it up with a lick or idea to go along with the chord to get you out of "the box" mindset.
0 views 27 Mar 2022
The ONE Scale You Can Play Over Every Chord - Gypsy Jazz Guitar Soloing
The ONE Scale You Can Play Over Every Chord - Gypsy Jazz Guitar Soloing
Bringing you a new guitar chord every day of the week. We'll spice it up with a lick or idea to go along with the chord to get you out of "the box" mindset.
5 views 8 Sep 2022
           q o       o p
           q o   G   o p
           d o   T   o b
           q o   D   o p
           q o   B   o p
           d o       o b
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