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original riffs - daeac#e - new song idea #11 (emo autumn)

2,265 views - 19 Jan 2011

i want to thank everyone for their support lately, i really appreciate it. exciting things in the works. stay tuned!!

original riffs - daeac#e - new song idea #10 (emo summer forever)
Original riffs - daeac#e - new song idea #10 (emo summer forever)
i want to thank everyone for their support lately, i really appreciate it. exciting things in the works. stay tuned!!
2347 views 5 Sep 2019
original riffs - daeac#e - new song idea #7 (emo summer song)
Original riffs - daeac#e - new song idea #7 (emo summer song)
i want to thank everyone for their support lately, i really appreciate it. exciting things in the works. stay tuned!!
2846 views 26 Nov 2017
original riffs - daeac#e - new song idea #12 (lights out)
Original riffs - daeac#e - new song idea #12 (lights out)
i want to thank everyone for their support lately, i really appreciate it. exciting things in the works. stay tuned!!
1129 views 16 Jan 2018
original riffs - daeac#e - new song idea #16 (page 1)(loop)
Original riffs - daeac#e - new song idea #16 (page 1)(loop)
i want to thank everyone for their support lately, i really appreciate it. exciting things in the works. stay tuned!!
1056 views 16 Nov 2018
original riffs - daeac#e - new song idea #14 (ellipses)
Original riffs - daeac#e - new song idea #14 (ellipses)
i want to thank everyone for their support lately, i really appreciate it. exciting things in the works. stay tuned!!
854 views 14 Jan 2019
daeac#e original riff #1
Daeac#e original riff #1
i want to thank everyone for their support lately, i really appreciate it. exciting things in the works. stay tuned!!
1083 views 10 Apr 2019
[Original] Midwest Emo Riff Idea | DAEAC#E Tuning - Acoustic Guitar (#2)
[Original] Midwest Emo Riff Idea | DAEAC#E Tuning - Acoustic Guitar (#2)
i want to thank everyone for their support lately, i really appreciate it. exciting things in the works. stay tuned!!
118 views 23 Jan 2024
Original Riffs - FACGCE - New Song Idea #4 (Emo Garbage)
Original Riffs - FACGCE - New Song Idea #4 (Emo Garbage)
i want to thank everyone for their support lately, i really appreciate it. exciting things in the works. stay tuned!!
2799 views 3 Sep 2019
Original Riffs - FACGCE - New Song Idea #6 (Emo Garbage part 2)
Original Riffs - FACGCE - New Song Idea #6 (Emo Garbage part 2)
i want to thank everyone for their support lately, i really appreciate it. exciting things in the works. stay tuned!!
1487 views 3 Sep 2019
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