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ear training: hearing differences between chords i, iv, v, vi, ii, iii

94 views - 19 Jan 2011

hearing differences between root position chords in the key of c - i, iv, v, vi, ii, iii (c, f, g, am, dm, em). every major chord has a related minor chord: chord ...

Ear Training Hearing Chord Progressions IIVI
Ear Training Hearing Chord Progressions IIVI
hearing differences between root position chords in the key of c - i, iv, v, vi, ii, iii (c, f, g, am, dm, em). every major chord has a related minor chord: chord ...
0 views 25 Apr 2020
Amazing Guitar Ear Training Exercises (hearing & singing modes of the major scale)
Amazing Guitar Ear Training Exercises (hearing & singing modes of the major scale)
hearing differences between root position chords in the key of c - i, iv, v, vi, ii, iii (c, f, g, am, dm, em). every major chord has a related minor chord: chord ...
0 views 7 Feb 2023
Ear-training: Simple chord progression on 3 primary triads in key of C
Ear-training: Simple chord progression on 3 primary triads in key of C
hearing differences between root position chords in the key of c - i, iv, v, vi, ii, iii (c, f, g, am, dm, em). every major chord has a related minor chord: chord ...
247 views 4 Sep 2019
ear training_7th chords advanced
Ear training_7th chords advanced
hearing differences between root position chords in the key of c - i, iv, v, vi, ii, iii (c, f, g, am, dm, em). every major chord has a related minor chord: chord ...
222 views 15 Jan 2020
Ear-training: Stepwise bass line over slow harmony changes above
Ear-training: Stepwise bass line over slow harmony changes above
hearing differences between root position chords in the key of c - i, iv, v, vi, ii, iii (c, f, g, am, dm, em). every major chord has a related minor chord: chord ...
308 views 5 Sep 2019
Ear Training - Intervals - Major 3rds
Ear Training - Intervals - Major 3rds
hearing differences between root position chords in the key of c - i, iv, v, vi, ii, iii (c, f, g, am, dm, em). every major chord has a related minor chord: chord ...
229 views 1 Sep 2019
ear training -  part 3 - minor 2nd to the octave (unison intervals)
Ear training - part 3 - minor 2nd to the octave (unison intervals)
hearing differences between root position chords in the key of c - i, iv, v, vi, ii, iii (c, f, g, am, dm, em). every major chord has a related minor chord: chord ...
70 views 20 Oct 2018
ear training: major scale / do - re - mi / key of c
Ear training: major scale / do - re - mi / key of c
hearing differences between root position chords in the key of c - i, iv, v, vi, ii, iii (c, f, g, am, dm, em). every major chord has a related minor chord: chord ...
3 views 19 Jun 2019
EAR TRAINING 007 Extended Chords 9 11 13
EAR TRAINING 007 Extended Chords 9 11 13
hearing differences between root position chords in the key of c - i, iv, v, vi, ii, iii (c, f, g, am, dm, em). every major chord has a related minor chord: chord ...
129 views 1 Aug 2020
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           d o   T   o b
           q o   D   o p
           q o   B   o p
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