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e ionian (major) jam track | tom strahle | pro guitar secrets

99 views - 19 Jan 2011

just two chords, a/e and b/e the notes in an e ionian (major) scale are e f# g# a b c# d# e the relative major is um, well, e.

pop-rock jam track c# minor/e major (relative aeolian/ionian) 80 bpm || inshaine backing tracks
Pop-rock jam track c# minor/e major (relative aeolian/ionian) 80 bpm || inshaine backing tracks
just two chords, a/e and b/e the notes in an e ionian (major) scale are e f# g# a b c# d# e the relative major is um, well, e.
19 views 11 Feb 2020
E "Raga Desya Todi" 10 - E Ionian / G# Phrygian hexatonic - Shellopan by Matthieu
E "Raga Desya Todi" 10 - E Ionian / G# Phrygian hexatonic - Shellopan by Matthieu
just two chords, a/e and b/e the notes in an e ionian (major) scale are e f# g# a b c# d# e the relative major is um, well, e.
29 views 15 May 2021
e major / c# minor scale - seven positions
E major / c# minor scale - seven positions
just two chords, a/e and b/e the notes in an e ionian (major) scale are e f# g# a b c# d# e the relative major is um, well, e.
51 views 2 Jun 2018
Let39s Play Guitar   My First Chords amp Scale
Let39s Play Guitar My First Chords amp Scale
just two chords, a/e and b/e the notes in an e ionian (major) scale are e f# g# a b c# d# e the relative major is um, well, e.
46 views 12 Jan 2021
a major- / f# minor scale - seven positions
A major- / f# minor scale - seven positions
just two chords, a/e and b/e the notes in an e ionian (major) scale are e f# g# a b c# d# e the relative major is um, well, e.
138 views 3 Dec 2017
f major- / d minor scale - seven positions
F major- / d minor scale - seven positions
just two chords, a/e and b/e the notes in an e ionian (major) scale are e f# g# a b c# d# e the relative major is um, well, e.
104 views 14 May 2018
guitar backing track e minor rock ballad
Guitar backing track e minor rock ballad
just two chords, a/e and b/e the notes in an e ionian (major) scale are e f# g# a b c# d# e the relative major is um, well, e.
37 views 12 Apr 2018
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in 7 Modes
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in 7 Modes
just two chords, a/e and b/e the notes in an e ionian (major) scale are e f# g# a b c# d# e the relative major is um, well, e.
161 views 23 Jul 2021
Let’s write a riff 7: E ionian augmented harmonic minor
Let’s write a riff 7: E ionian augmented harmonic minor
just two chords, a/e and b/e the notes in an e ionian (major) scale are e f# g# a b c# d# e the relative major is um, well, e.
0 views 22 Feb 2023
           q o       o p
           q o   G   o p
           d o   T   o b
           q o   D   o p
           q o   B   o p
           d o       o b
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