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G9 jazz guitar chord

1,132 views - 19 Jan 2011

G9 is basically an extension of the G7 - if you miss out a 9 chord in a complex piece, just play the 7 - someone else like the keyboard will definitely play the 9.

G9 Chord - 3 Most Useful Versions for Guitar
G9 Chord - 3 Most Useful Versions for Guitar
G9 is basically an extension of the G7 - if you miss out a 9 chord in a complex piece, just play the 7 - someone else like the keyboard will definitely play the 9.
23 views 8 May 2021
zoom g9.2tt guitar multi-effects
Zoom g9.2tt guitar multi-effects
G9 is basically an extension of the G7 - if you miss out a 9 chord in a complex piece, just play the 7 - someone else like the keyboard will definitely play the 9.
25 views 9 Mar 2018
Guitar Chord: G9 (iii) (x 10 7 10 8 7)
Guitar Chord: G9 (iii) (x 10 7 10 8 7)
G9 is basically an extension of the G7 - if you miss out a 9 chord in a complex piece, just play the 7 - someone else like the keyboard will definitely play the 9.
2876 views 3 Sep 2019
guitar chord: g9 (ii) (3 2 3 2 3 3)
Guitar chord: g9 (ii) (3 2 3 2 3 3)
G9 is basically an extension of the G7 - if you miss out a 9 chord in a complex piece, just play the 7 - someone else like the keyboard will definitely play the 9.
1099 views 19 Feb 2020
how to play g9 (ninth) on guitar
How to play g9 (ninth) on guitar
G9 is basically an extension of the G7 - if you miss out a 9 chord in a complex piece, just play the 7 - someone else like the keyboard will definitely play the 9.
256 views 12 Apr 2018
How To Play the G9 5 Chord On Guitar G 9th diminished 5th
How To Play the G9 5 Chord On Guitar G 9th diminished 5th
G9 is basically an extension of the G7 - if you miss out a 9 chord in a complex piece, just play the 7 - someone else like the keyboard will definitely play the 9.
17 views 14 Sep 2021
How To Play the G9 Chord On Guitar (G ninth) 9th
How To Play the G9 Chord On Guitar (G ninth) 9th
G9 is basically an extension of the G7 - if you miss out a 9 chord in a complex piece, just play the 7 - someone else like the keyboard will definitely play the 9.
5 views 25 Sep 2023
Robben Ford   Chicago Blues Guitar Lesson 5 G9 VOICING
Robben Ford Chicago Blues Guitar Lesson 5 G9 VOICING
G9 is basically an extension of the G7 - if you miss out a 9 chord in a complex piece, just play the 7 - someone else like the keyboard will definitely play the 9.
24 views 7 Aug 2022
Cmaj7 C#m7b5 Dm7, Fmaj7 Fmaj9 G7 G9 G7 (Lesson by Brett Sanders)
Cmaj7 C#m7b5 Dm7, Fmaj7 Fmaj9 G7 G9 G7 (Lesson by Brett Sanders)
G9 is basically an extension of the G7 - if you miss out a 9 chord in a complex piece, just play the 7 - someone else like the keyboard will definitely play the 9.
712 views 4 Sep 2019
           q o       o p
           q o   G   o p
           d o   T   o b
           q o   D   o p
           q o   B   o p
           d o       o b
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